Tuesday, November 18, 2008

writing exercise

The Impact of Modern Technology in Defense Forces
Do you know that the upsurge of modern technology must be followed by military technology and defense system in Defense Force? Yeah, that is absolutely true! Nowadays, many countries in the world need modern technology to make their Defense Force stronger and powerful. They are really eager to upgrade their weapon and military technology into the newest and modern one. For the big countries such as The US and Russia, they will easily expend more than one hundred billion US dollars a year to purchase and upgrade their weapons in order to face “the cruel of the world” (military defense journal 2005). However, each country will get the benefit by increasing and upgrading its technology.
Many countries in the world would not tolerate if the other countries intrude their territory. They will do all possibility actions to protect their territory and their motherland. Due to that fact, many countries in the world try to develop and upgrade their military technology. In this globalization era, the increasing of military technology is going so fast. A thousand years ago in the Dark Age, people used sword, pike and arrow for war. Hundred years ago they used simple rifle and bayonet. Nowadays, people use stealth jet fighter with atomic bomb for war. How breathtaking is it?
To increase and upgrade military technology is not as simple as you think. It needs long time groundwork and full of twists and turns process. First of all it needs a great deal of money, because to upgrade and purchase new weapon is not low-cost, it is totally high-prized. Secondly, it needs a long time and complicated research to make and upgrade the weapon into the newest technology. And the last, to get great and modern weapon is not a piece of cake, especially for the country that is being embargoed by weapon producer countries such as The US, Russia, England and et-cetera. For example is Libya. This country has been embargoed by western countries since 1980’s; consequently Libya has to find its own weapon in the “Black Market” which is more expensive than in legal market.
After World War II, there were so many conflicts happen in the world such us Korean War, Malvinas War, Vietnam War, Gulf War et-cetera. All those conflicts were happen because of many reasons such as natural resources, the border, ideology, and et-cetera. As a result every country in the world starts to think how to preclude and solve this problem. Some countries think that to preclude the war, every country in the world must upgrade and increase its military technology. Perhaps by increasing its technology there will be no country would underestimate and disturb this country. This is the benefit of having modern military technology in defense force.
In conclusion, we know that to increase the technology in defense force is not as simple as we think. It has many impediments and many things to do. Every country must prepare and protect itself by upgrading and increasing its military technology. When a country has modern technology, there will be no country want to “touch” its territory. Nowadays, with inadequate places and natural resources to live, the possibility of war is still widely open. It means, peace will not last forever. We have to prepare our country to face “the cruel of the world”.

writing exercise

The Impact of Modern Technology in Defense Forces
Do you know that the upsurge of modern technology must be followed by military technology and defense system in Defense Force? Yeah, that is absolutely true! Nowadays, many countries in the world need modern technology to make their Defense Force stronger and powerful. They are really eager to upgrade their weapon and military technology into the newest and modern one. For the big countries such as The US and Russia, they will easily expend more than one hundred billion US dollars a year to purchase and upgrade their weapons in order to face “the cruel of the world” (military defense journal 2005). However, each country will get the benefit by increasing and upgrading its technology.
Many countries in the world would not tolerate if the other countries intrude their territory. They will do all possibility actions to protect their territory and their motherland. Due to that fact, many countries in the world try to develop and upgrade their military technology. In this globalization era, the increasing of military technology is going so fast. A thousand years ago in the Dark Age, people used sword, pike and arrow for war. Hundred years ago they used simple rifle and bayonet. Nowadays, people use stealth jet fighter with atomic bomb for war. How breathtaking is it?
To increase and upgrade military technology is not as simple as you think. It needs long time groundwork and full of twists and turns process. First of all it needs a great deal of money, because to upgrade and purchase new weapon is not low-cost, it is totally high-prized. Secondly, it needs a long time and complicated research to make and upgrade the weapon into the newest technology. And the last, to get great and modern weapon is not a piece of cake, especially for the country that is being embargoed by weapon producer countries such as The US, Russia, England and et-cetera. For example is Libya. This country has been embargoed by western countries since 1980’s; consequently Libya has to find its own weapon in the “Black Market” which is more expensive than in legal market.
After World War II, there were so many conflicts happen in the world such us Korean War, Malvinas War, Vietnam War, Gulf War et-cetera. All those conflicts were happen because of many reasons such as natural resources, the border, ideology, and et-cetera. As a result every country in the world starts to think how to preclude and solve this problem. Some countries think that to preclude the war, every country in the world must upgrade and increase its military technology. Perhaps by increasing its technology there will be no country would underestimate and disturb this country. This is the benefit of having modern military technology in defense force.
In conclusion, we know that to increase the technology in defense force is not as simple as we think. It has many impediments and many things to do. Every country must prepare and protect itself by upgrading and increasing its military technology. When a country has modern technology, there will be no country want to “touch” its territory. Nowadays, with inadequate places and natural resources to live, the possibility of war is still widely open. It means, peace will not last forever. We have to prepare our country to face “the cruel of the world”.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The end of the earth

Earth in the future……Do you know that our planet is won’t last forever?
There are so many possibilities and objects outside our planet can make our planet is going into destruction… I’ll tell you some of them…
1. Meteor, Asteroid and comet….those things can make all living things in our planet is going into extinction… for example the asteroid impact aproximately 65 million years ago.A huge asteroid across slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Due to that impact, more than 90% living things and species on earth were going into destruction, include the dinosaur. The explosion that made from the impact was thousand times bigger than all human nuke weapon combine in one explosion nowadays. That explosion made a huge ocean wave or giant Tsunami and swept almost all land on earth surface. Not only that, the dust and materials that been made by the explosion covered earth atmosphere for a thousand years and it made our planet temperature was decreasing faster, consequently at that time earth was going into the ice age, because the heat from the sun couldnot penetrate into the earth surface, the shield (the dust and particles after the impact) was hindering the way of the heat. Thousand of asteroids, comets and meteors are still menacing our planet now…..and what should we do?

2. We know that the sun is will not shining forever, all kinds of star, include our sun will lose their power and energy. Helium that provide star power and heat will lose little by little, and when the helium is almost used up, the star will become a super nova. It will be a giant fire ball (in sun case, it will “eat” our planet and also Mercurius and Venus, or at least burn and grill our planet),it is hapen because our star lose their main energy, the nuclear reactor that provide star energy cannot work properly, consequently they will use their last energy, helium. Because helium is diferent from nuclear energy, the heat, shape, and colour o the sun will be diferent, the sape is geting bigger and bigger. The star will become a giant red ball. In this phase the sun will eat 3 inner planet (mercury, venus, earth). After all their energy is lost, the star will become a death star with litle shape but it has verry huge mass...like newton's law, bigger mass, the gravity will more square time bigger divide its volume (mass square/volume). This death star is called The black hole. .
After this phase, the star would be death star, it became a black star, we call it “the black hole”. Different from supernova, black hole has million times gravity energy than the star, it can suck all things, all particles include the light. If something is sucked into black hole it impossible to get out from there, but it just a theory because no one has never prove it, Einstein had ever said that black hole is some kind of worm hole that can bring everything which inside it ,moves to the another dimension. At the picture bellow you can see how the black hole suck all things include the light...

So…which way is better do you think?( in this case caused by the natural one, we will talk later if caused by human or maybe alien)
The first one?
Or the second one?
Nor neither of them?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Smoking in public places should be banned

According to the statement, in my opinion...truly I absolutely agree....


because smoking is a crime, it can annoy the other people, and also it can make somebody get sick especially with their lungs because this people become a passive smoker...for passive smoker, the risk of getting sick is more bigger than the smoker, because the smoke that produce by cigarette directly get into their lungs, it is different with the truly smoker, the smoke that he/she suck into their lungs filtered by the cigarette it self.

Not only because the bad effect for our health, the smoke that produced by cigarette can also annoy the other people especially for non smoker person. They feel uncomfortable with this thing, not only the bad smell, but also it can make somebody get cough...

consequently it will be better if the government make a new rule, that smoking in public places is not allowed. This rule must be followed by a punishment to anyone who run against this rule,and for the smoker at least the government must provide them special places like smoking(smoko) room in every public places.

Many poisons contain in a cigarette, like tar and nicotine, those things can make diseases in your body, such like cancer, impotent etc. Not only nicotine and tar,you can take a look at the picture below,there are sooooo many poisons contain inside one cigarette.

Monday, September 1, 2008

International night

The VII international night that held on 28th of August 2008 on Pusdiklat Bahasa Dephan was an amazing event. Many people from different country came to this event, many people was satisfy with this event, including me of course because at the time we can see many culture from different country, we can eat many food from the other country at the same time, we can eat anzac biscuit from Australia and than if we were thirsty we can drink Vodka from Russia. We also can sing, laugh, and dance together without worry that we are different with them...that was awesome..

so...I hope it can be held twice a year because maybe there are some student especially the student that study in the beginning of the year, because this event usually held in September or August, so, for the student that have to study at the beginning of the year cannot attend this event.

earth is dying

Earth is not only for human being, all living things have the right to live on earth too, but we all know that now the earth is dying because the act of human. So many damages and pollution that polluted our environment is caused by human act. Many egoist countries, company and even some people don’t care about the nature, they just think for themselves, in order to earn a lot of money or just for their fun. This is very regrettably because all living things have the right to live on earth. Now many animals were at the verge of extinction, earth is getting warm and warm, climate is changing, many natural disaster were happen, so what will be next..we just waiting for a new disaster that maybe can bring human races into extinction.

Friday, August 29, 2008

KIBI LXXI (Defense Department 71st intensive English course)

Kibi LXXI dephan (Defense Department 71st intensive English course) this is my first join in English course after I graduated from Military Academy 2 years ago. Before this course, I have ever learned English in Junior and senior High school but this is not too effective because after the lesson all students never speak again with English too improve their English, they speak again with their own language, in this case they speak in Indonesian language or Javanese language. And than in Military Academy too, (at that time, I don’t know how about now) I learned English at least twice a week in which the time only 2x45 minutes every lesson. The affectivity is not too well or good like in Defense Department intensive English course, because in Military Academy almost after or before the lesson all students or cadets will do or has just did physical exercise like military swimming, cross country, log gym, etc, so they must be sleepy and tired if they have the lessons after physical exercise, or they will forget all the lessons that they had been learn if they have physical exercise after the lessons. This is ineffective, I think it would be better if all cadets maybe has special days to learn and improve their English like in Defense Department intensive English course, because in here if you want to learning English, the other language is forbidden to speak, all day is English day so no body will says that “ he/she is crazy(orgil), or smart ass (sotoy). That’s why many people who graduated from this course have the chance to go abroad, and Iam is the one who has a dream that some day I’ll go abroad to another country join with the other soldier around the world for keeping the peace of the world and for the Glory of my Country.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hi...lam the new comer, lam Kibi XXI Student from D class and let me introduce my self

My name is Tinton Kurniawan, Im a soldier and my rank is second lieutenant.
lam 23 years old and I hope we can share each other, and you can write down your opinion about the topics in my blog.

but remember if you want to write something in my blog, better if you write more wisely..OK


carry on....

thanx dude for your attention..