Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Smoking in public places should be banned

According to the statement, in my opinion...truly I absolutely agree....


because smoking is a crime, it can annoy the other people, and also it can make somebody get sick especially with their lungs because this people become a passive smoker...for passive smoker, the risk of getting sick is more bigger than the smoker, because the smoke that produce by cigarette directly get into their lungs, it is different with the truly smoker, the smoke that he/she suck into their lungs filtered by the cigarette it self.

Not only because the bad effect for our health, the smoke that produced by cigarette can also annoy the other people especially for non smoker person. They feel uncomfortable with this thing, not only the bad smell, but also it can make somebody get cough...

consequently it will be better if the government make a new rule, that smoking in public places is not allowed. This rule must be followed by a punishment to anyone who run against this rule,and for the smoker at least the government must provide them special places like smoking(smoko) room in every public places.

Many poisons contain in a cigarette, like tar and nicotine, those things can make diseases in your body, such like cancer, impotent etc. Not only nicotine and tar,you can take a look at the picture below,there are sooooo many poisons contain inside one cigarette.

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